Title: Intolerance (1916) Vintage Movie Poster, D.W. Griffith, Silent Film, Epic, Social Commentary Wall Art Print Movie Poster
This is a vintage movie poster for D.W. Griffith’s epic 1916 silent film, “Intolerance.” This ambitious film interweaves four separate stories across different historical periods to explore the theme of intolerance throughout human history. The poster’s dramatic imagery, often featuring large, looming hands and figures, visually represents the oppressive forces of intolerance. Despite containing some problematic depictions (typical of the era), “Intolerance” is considered a landmark achievement in filmmaking for its scope, scale, and innovative cinematic techniques. This poster is a valuable piece for collectors of vintage movie posters, silent film enthusiasts, and those interested in film history and social commentary.
Our posters come in three paper types: Fine Art (vivid giclée prints), Premium Matte (heavyweight and soft), and museum-quality (for serious art lovers).
Paper Finishing: Available on smooth matte finish for a clean, glare-free display.
Sustainable Paper: FSC-certified or equivalent paper for sustainability.
Title: Intolerance (1916) Vintage Movie Poster, D.W. Griffith, Silent Film, Epic, Social Commentary Wall Art Print Movie Poster
This is a vintage movie poster for D.W. Griffith’s epic 1916 silent film, “Intolerance.” This ambitious film interweaves four separate stories across different historical periods to explore the theme of intolerance throughout human history. The poster’s dramatic imagery, often featuring large, looming hands and figures, visually represents the oppressive forces of intolerance. Despite containing some problematic depictions (typical of the era), “Intolerance” is considered a landmark achievement in filmmaking for its scope, scale, and innovative cinematic techniques. This poster is a valuable piece for collectors of vintage movie posters, silent film enthusiasts, and those interested in film history and social commentary.
Our posters come in three paper types: Fine Art (vivid giclée prints), Premium Matte (heavyweight and soft), and museum-quality (for serious art lovers).
Paper Finishing: Available on smooth matte finish for a clean, glare-free display.
Sustainable Paper: FSC-certified or equivalent paper for sustainability.
5 - 6 business days
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